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Survival Island – Devblog 16

This devblog i spent the most time making the enemy chase and attack the player. So yes, enemies are now enabled again. I’ve also fixed the hammer once again because it sometimes didnt break items it was suppose to. Work have also started on a snow biome, so that will be playable soon. Other than that, theres been some tweeks and changed to some things, but nothing much.

New Biome – Snow biome

I’ve started work on the first new biome in the game. The snow biome. Currently the player will take damage upon entering the biome because of the cold. But items will be added later that the player can use to enter. There is no content in the biome yet, this will also come later. First i will finish up the forest biome.

Enemy AI – chase state

The chase state is now part of the enemy ai. Meaning enemies are back into the game. The chase state was a challenge to implement, but i think i’ve got it working in a good way. Now, the enemy will shoot a raycast towards the player with a set detection range. If it hits the player with nothing in the way it will detect/see the player. Once it spots the player it will generate a point of interest at the players position. 30 points of interest will be spawned at the players position over time. And once the enemy reaches the first one, it will walk to the next one. It will continue walking to the next point until there is no points left. If the enemy does not see the player upon reaching the last one. it will stop the chase. If the enemy spots the player during the chase, so after reaching the third point. it will remove all points and start generating towards the new player position. If the enemy spots another point during the chase, it will delete all points up to that point and take a shortcut to that last point. If the enemy tries to get to a point it cant reach, it will stop trying after a few seconds. Example below.

The Ai is not perfect yet, there are still a few issues. But those will be sorted over time, nothing game breaking or anything, just small stuff.

New enemy spawning mechanic

Enemies no longer spawn from spawners. This does not mean that spawners wont be a thing later on. Might be if a enemy type requires it. But for now, since there are not alot of enemies in the game. I have made a little change. The skeleton enemy now spawns during night. They dont spawn directly onto the player, but they spawn within a close range. This makes daytime more safe than the night. When it turns day, the skeletons will also take damage and die, so even if it spawns hundreds of skeletons during night. you wont have to kill them, they die themselves. But keep in mind that if you want loot from the enemies, you will have to kill them. The drop nothing if they die by themselves.

New enemy – Grim Reaper

I’ve added a new enemy to the game, currently it behaves just the same as a skeleton. But it will be changed a little later. The Grim reaper does not have its own item drop yet, so currently it drops a apple.

Patch Notes – Devblog 16


  • Enemy AI – chase state
  • Added new enemy – Grim Reaper


  • Changed spawn mechanic for enemies (no longer from spawners).
  • Trees have a updated look.
  • The hammer now shows red when its on a object it cant destroy.
  • You can now right click items in a chest to move it to the inventory.


  • Enemy spawners

Existing bugs:

Fixed bugs:

  • Fixed a issue causing the hammer to sometimes not destroy objects.

Enabled: (things that was disabled in the prevoius update, but is now enabled again)

  • Enemy Skeleton

Disabled: (disabled is not removed, things listed here will be enabled again eventually)

  • Flower Enemy (not sure if worth keeping)
« Mr.Digi », August 28, 2022

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