« Mr.Digi »


Survival Island – Devblog 20

This devblog have fixed a few major issues, and options have been started on. The enviroment generation have been replaced. And the snow biome enviroment and effects have been enabled. Sound effects can also be found some places now.

New Enviroment generation

After changing the island into generating randomly, the enviroement spawner got a few issues. Enviromental objects started spawning slightly only other biomes. This is because the edge of a new biome is still part of the previous biome. So the new enviroment generator have a few new options.

Now i can select biomes i want the enviroement spawner to avoid, this means i can make grass biome enviroment avoid snow, and beach. Same goes for snow enviroment. This was not possible before, the enviroment spawning used to only have a biome edge. This was because there only was grass and the edge of the island. But this have been resolved, and the enviroment spawner can now be applied to multiple biomes.

Error Messages

I’ve added a global display of the most common errors, this includes map generation errors and player spawning errors. So if the world generates without any enviroment, a error message will display onscreen and let you know before you start exploring.


So, options are slowly making it into the game. After getting requests for fullscreen mode. I’ve now added it, fullscreen is disabled by default, but will be enabled by default later down the line. Options also need to be saved. So a save system have been created for the options aswell, so it can save separately from the game saves. This needed to be done so you dont lose your settings when clicking new game. The options menu is in 2 parts. Video settings, and Audio settings. More setting will be added in the near future.

Audio system

The audio system is in place to make it easier to apply sounds/music where needed. There is a sound effect playing when hitting a tree now, this effect will be replaced later. But it was need for testing the sound system. Background music now persists through scenes aswell. And can be configured to only work in selected scenes. So menu music will not play in game, and game music will not play in the menu.

Patch Notes – Devblog 20


  • Enviroment spawning to the snow biome.
  • Added sound effect when hitting a tree with a hatchet.
  • Added a error display message for letting players know if something goes wrong.
  • Added fullscreen mode into the settings menu.
  • Added a audio system.


  • Hills can now only generate 1 of each version, unless allowed more.
  • Snow particles now only show if the player walks on snow.


Existing bugs:

  • Fence gates flicker when walking through them.
  • Farmland can be placed on the edge of the grass biome.
  • The map can sometimes generate with a 1-tile error. (nothing serious, a tile might just look wrong)

Fixed bugs:

  • Fixed a issue causing enviromental objects to sometimes spawn outside of its selected biome.
  • Fixed a issue causing crafting requirements to update only on the recipe you crafted.
  • Fixed a issue causing players to sometimes spawn in the water.
  • Fixed a issue causing the player to sometimes spawn on small islands.

Enabled: (things that was disabled in the prevoius update, but is now enabled again)

  • Snow particles

Disabled: (disabled is not removed, things listed here will be enabled again eventually)

« Mr.Digi », September 25, 2022

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