« Mr.Digi »


Survival Island – Devblog 22

There’s been changes to alot this week, and some performance fixes. No more lag!!!. Also, i’ve started working on the audio settings. aswell as fixed some bugs.

Object performance

Objects outside the game view now have their scripts disabled. This does not however include all objects. Crops will still grow, so no need to worry about that. This change was made to increase performance. In the world, there are over 5000 objects. So if they all are running scripts at the same time, it will lag a lot. There is still a performance drop when items are dropped to the ground, but that will get sorted.

Audio Settings

Started work on the audio settings, a slider for music have been added. Currently it has no effect on the audio, but it will in the near future.

Patch Notes – Devblog 22


  • Added a music audio slider in the settings menu (non functional)


  • The map is now a circle in the top right corner instead of taking up space in the middle.
  • Changed woodcutting sound effect.
  • Adjusted the reaper hit sound to sync with the actual hit.
  • Changed the code for pickups (stick and pebble). Previous method caused lag.
  • Objects outside of camera view now have its scripts disabled. For performance.
  • Enemies now looks for the player once every .5 seconds instead of once every frame.
  • Disabled recipes no longer display in the crafting book.


Existing bugs:

  • Fence gates flicker when walking through them.

Fixed bugs:

  • Fixed a issue causing rain to appear in caves and in the snow biome.
  • Fixed a issue causing lag when having the inventory open.
  • Biome 1-tile errors are fixed.
  • Fixed a issue allowing the player to place farmland at the border between grass and sand.
  • Fixed a issue causing the hammer not to destroy farmland.

Enabled: (things that was disabled in the previous update, but is now enabled again)

Disabled: (disabled is not removed, things listed here will be enabled again eventually)

« Mr.Digi », October 9, 2022

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