« Mr.Digi »


Survival Island – Devblog 4

This devblog have not added too much new stuff. Alot of stuff has changed though. The graphics for the game is changed. This is due to me needing to own the rights to use stuff in the game. The old art was placeholders and not in any way free to use. The new art is not free to use either, but it is payed for. and i will continue to add graphics from the same creator. I have been in contact with the asset creator, and more assets are being created as requested.

Changed Graphics

I dedcided to change the look of the game to a sprite asset pack i found made by Game Endeavor. The sprites i used before was 32×32. now i’ve changed to a 16×16 size. More sprites will be changed following this update. Including the Stone spear, stone hatchet, wood, stone, pebble, stick, campfire, rocks, rabbit and rabbit meat.

Sword Attack

Now instead of clicking on enemies and animals to kill them, the player can craft a sword and walk up to the enemy/animal and preform a sword attack. If the animal gets hit, it will be knocked back by the attack aswell as take some damage. The sword can be crafted with 1 stick and 2 stones at the moment, this will change later on.


The spider is the first enemy added to the game. The spider has 5 behaviour states. There is a Idle state, walk state, chase state, attack state and die state

Idle state is when the spider just stands still, in the idle state it is on a randomized timer choosing the next state. It will then choose to either stay idle, or move.

When in the move state, the spider will choose a direction and move in that direction and avoid obsticles. The spider spawn location will be set as the spiders home. And if the spider walks too far from home, it will return home. This is t stop the spider from walking to places it doesnt make sense for a spider to be.

The chase state will only be triggered if the player is within a detection range. If the player is seen by the spider, the spider will walk towards the player until it gets within attack range.

Attack state is activated once the spider is close enough to the player, tee spider will preform a attack on the player taking some health away from the player.

The die state is basically what you would think it is, A death animation is played and the spider dies. dropping some stuff for the player. Currently it drops nothing.

If you think you can awoid spiders by just not walking close, you might be wrong. They might come from under trees or rocks or something else. so be careful.

Patch Notes – Devblog 4


  • Added a spider, will attack the player if in range.
  • Added a dust particle effect to the player when the player walks.
  • Added a sword.
  • Added a animation to the chest. Opens when the player is close enough.


  • Map graphics are changed.
  • Player graphic is changed
  • Chest graphic is changed
  • Tree graphic is changed
  • Rock graphic is changed
  • Player movement is now changed, no longer different sprite for up/down.

Note: Devblogs will from now on be posted every sunday to showcase the progress on the game. I cant promise that each devblog will contain alot, because i work on the game when i have time. and i currently work full time and have family and a kid to take care of aswell. But some things will be done each week.

« Mr.Digi », June 3, 2022

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